Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tribal Experiences

If you're looking to expand your boundaries a bit and get a true experience at the heart of a destination, try spending time with indigenous peoples in some of the most exotic destinations in the world. Conde Nast recently had a list of living among different native cultures which I felt was extraordinary. What I enjoyed was that although there are many different experiences offered all over the world by tour operators, lodges, and conservation groups, this list was comprised of cultures which play the role as stakeholder, deciding when how and why to bring people into their environment. "There approach to integrating travelers into their culture is as diverse as the culture themselves. "

In Nanavut, 30 miles north of the Arctic circle, you can experience the Inuit tribe by staying at the Bathurst Inlet Lodge. Hike with local guides and float in the inlet on a 40 foot Blue Loo pontoon searching for Arctic wildlife. In the Himalayan foothills of Yunnan, the Naxi are known for their hospitality. Staying on a traditional farm, you can trek into the valley and experience these truly traditional people.

The belief that everything in nature has a soul is the foundation for the Achuar, in the rainforest's of Ecuador. The lagoon-side lodge offers canoeing, fishing, and day long walks to search for hundreds of birds. Ecuador also offers experiences with the Cofan and Quichua cultures as well. The options are endless and extraordinary all over the world. India, Laos, South Africa, Panama, Venezuela, and even Sweden offer wonderful Eco-lodges paired with incredible "red carpet" cultural experiences. If you're looking for something adventurous and open minded, I encourage you to expand your boundaries by appreciating some of the most fascinating people on earth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's more information about the Naxi and Lijiang at