Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Experience Morocco- Red Carpet Style

If you're looking for a new adventure idea for exotic overseas travel, try Marrakech for your next experience. I would recommend staying with a true Moroccan experience provider such as Angsana Hotels & Resorts Riad selection. They have taken many traditional small historic buildings, right in the best areas, and transformed them into the perfect oasis soaked in Moroccan culture.

" Be seduced by the intoxicating mix of sights, sounds and scents that is uniquely Marrakech. Shop at the colourful souks in this magical land, explore the powdery dunes of the desert, and experience the luxury of a stay at Angsana Riads Collection Morocco; a blend of contemporary elegance and historical charm that make this an ideal locale to rejuvenate the soul, leaving you with memories to last a lifetime."

There are many great options and one of my favorites is the Riad Aida. This Riad was once home to Chief Architect Muhammad al-Mekki, designer of the famous Bahia Palace of Marrakech for Ahmed Ibn Moussa, known also as Grand Vizier Ba Ahmed – and it shows. It's only 6 rooms and it is perfect for anyone looking to enjoy a round of golf during their stay as it's a short distance from the local course.

Also, try this while there- Perched on the roof is Angsana Riad Bab Firdaus Rooftop Restaurant where authentic Moroccan and Thai dishes is served. The restaurant is open to guests staying at the other Riads of the Angsana Riads Collection, Morocco as well - so do make the required reservation prior to dining.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Peru - Machu Picchu The Right Way

South America has become the hot spot for US travelers looking for their next exotic adventure experience. There are so many incredible places and landscapes, all surrounded with some of the most unique cultures in the world. As local tour operators scramble to compete over destinations such as the Atacama Desert, Lake Titicaca, The Amazon River and rainforest, and Machu Picchu, the market becomes flooded with many options. As an adventure enthusiast it's so hard to recognize the quality options from the nightmares in disguise.

One Red Carpet Experience that I would recommend hands down over the competition is the Lodge to Lodge Machu Picchu Experience offered by Mountain Lodges of Peru. Our team at Dream Outdoors has worked closely with MLP and I feel very strongly about the lodges, the guides, and most of all the unmatched experience of the trek itself.

This moderate to strenuous 7 day 6 night trek takes you through multiple eco-systems and landscapes offering an extraordinary view of untouched Peruvian Backcountry. The guides are wonderful as they know everything about your surroundings and the people who inhabit this area. It's all inclusive so you don't have to worry about anything. The trekking pays off as you have earned your right to set foot on Machu Picchu, one of the most fascinating places on Earth.

Along the way your accommodations include 4 of the most spectacular backcountry lodges to be found anywhere. They are small, luxuriously simple, and offer the most breathtaking views and surroundings imaginable.

I am not hesitating when I tell you that the experience, if done correctly, matches any adventure experience found in any destination. This is the way to view Southern Peru and the ruins at Machu Picchu.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Voluntourism - Best Value and Best Feeling

I have seen an increase in the number of clients who are interested in voluntourism. Voluntourism is when you participate in a work project during your vacation experience with a local community. Can be things like building houses, working in hospitals, teaching English, helping children, even tagging whales, Lemurs and sea turtles. The apprehension that many travelers have with feeling as though it's "roughing it" or unsafe is finally peeling back and people are seeing the true value the experience can provide to their overall trip satisfaction. Voluntoursim offers the opportunity to see the true color and flavor of a destination. It allows you to meet the families and workers. Experience what a day at school is like for the children, how hard locals may work to provide proper shelter, the rewarding feeling of installing a clean water system for a village of hundreds of thirsty mouths. You can go on a 3 hour whale watching tour hoping to clip a picture from hundreds of yards away, or you can touch them up close through voluntourism, helping to sustain their lifeline by assisting with tagging and research. Measure turtles and help them nest eggs, search for birds that are on the brink of extinction, Help displaced children who need nothing but a hug and warm heart.

Voluntourism not only provides you with a true "red carpet experience", but nowadays it can be an incredibly well priced option to enjoy a trip that may otherwise cost sometimes double. The Cook Islands, the Azores Archipelago, Madagascar, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Europe, and all over the far east. These exotic locations all offer extraordinary, and most importantly safe, voluntourism experiences anywhere from 5-30 days in length. Many can be taken advantage of on an individual basis as well as couples and most importantly families. Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids with something more than boogie boards and waterparks? Try introducing them to hundreds of local children in Madagascar where they can go into the jungle and search for Lemurs. I guarantee you will not have any pouting during this adventure, except when it's time to leave your new friends.

Lastly, There are still many wonderful options for voluntourism here in the United States. Spend a few days during the holiday season or on a school break helping other in local communities. In addition to many other areas, currently there are great opportunities in Minnesota, West Virginia, and Montana for you to have great voluntourism experiences.

Bottom line, there is no better feeling than leaving your 7 day travel experience with a feeling that you were able to make a difference in the world, and during that process you had a darn good time, met some extraordinary people, and saw some unbelievable things. Ask your travel advisor about it today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Finer Than Fine Arts-Smithsonian Style

If your the sort of person who likes to take a trip and engulf themselves in a learning hobby such as wildlife, geology, cultures, history, or the fine arts I would invite you to explore some of the great experiences available for you at Smithsonian Journeys. Smithsonian offers extraordinary escorted travel experiences all across the globe. Many are to locations that hundreds of other suppliers offer within the industry as well, the difference, Smithsonian world-class Study Leaders. These folks are truly incredible as many have dedicated their entire lives to the very topics which you have chosen to enjoy for days during one of their trips. Their large personalities compliment their large craniums as you truly get to learn and enhance one of your lifestyle passions. Ask your Professional Travel Advisor about them today and allow them to take your experience to a new level. In a few days Smithsonian will embark on their 2008 Metropolitan Art experience. You missed this time around but with inclusions like this you might want to pencil it in for 2009;

New York City is magical at Christmas time, with dazzling lights throughout the city and the brightest stars on the stage at the Metropolitan Opera. Join opera historian Arthur Kaplan for four moving and dramatic performances at one of the premier opera houses in the world, including a new production of Massenet’s Thaïs starring Renée Fleming, Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, Puccini’s La Bohème, and Mozart’s Don Giovanni. Enjoy Prime orchestra seating on this festive opera program!


— Welcome Reception and Tristan und IsoldeArrive individually at the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel on Central Park. Walk to a nearby restaurant for a welcome reception and opening remarks by Study Leader Arthur Kaplan, followed by a festive dinner. Attend Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde at the Metropolitan Opera.

— Group lecture and ThaïsThis morning, attend a lecture by Study Leader Arthur Kaplan to discuss last night’s performance and learn about tonight’s new production of Thaïs with Renée Fleming and Thomas Hampson. The afternoon is at leisure, with an optional group dinner. This evening, experience Thaïs at the Metropolitan Opera.

— Backstage tour of the Met and La BohèmeEnjoy a leisurely morning exploring Central Park in winter or doing some last-minute shopping on 5th Avenue. Gather for a lecture by Arthur Kaplan this afternoon followed by a backstage tour of the Metropolitan Opera. Return to the hotel before being transported to Christmas Eve in Paris with Puccini’s La Bohème.

— Don Giovanni and time at leisureStart the day with a lecture by Arthur Kaplan, then depart for a farewell luncheon at an elegant Manhattan restaurant. Spend the afternoon at leisure, enjoying festive New York City on your own. This evening, depart for the Metropolitan Opera to see Mozart’s Don Giovanni with Erwin Schrott. Back at the hotel, bid farewell to New York with a champagne toast.

Charleston SC

If you haven't been to Charleston SC yet, you have to find time to experience it. If it's been a while since your last visit, now's the time to look at returning. Charleston drips with southern charm and finger licken southern delights. The shopping, the historic district, the harbor cruises, even the house drawn carriage rides past the incredible houses is worth the afternoon.

Check out the Charleston Historical Society for some extraordinary garden and home tours in downtown Charleston. The 2009 schedule kicks off in March. The best way to go is to find a date where the garden tour flows right into a private wine tasting at Circa 1882. It is one of the most incredible day experiences you will find in any city.

Try the Shad Roe at the Hominy Grill, ask a local how to find the Shrimp at the Wreck of the Richard & Charlene, grab a cup of coffee at a real coffee house-Gaulart&Malicet, and lastly if your like me and in such of great bourbon and good conversation, hit Moe's Crosstown Tavern. It's the sort of town wher you can still grab an ice cold glass bottle of coke in the local grocery. Charleston is and always will be one of my first options for a great value and an incredible experience.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Power Of The Right Advisor

Travel has become an experience driven product line. Luxury hotels and destinations are no longer marketing based on amenities and features, but more around experiences and tours. Travellers are making selections based on which location will offer them opportunities to explore that lifestyle passion which they dream about everyday.

As a result Travel Agents are evolving and remaining an essential part of the travel process. Only a real person can offer you a knowledge based custom travel solution for your next global outing. One thing I notice is all the online research and opinions are great, but there is no one out there that has all the same interests and needs as I do. I have experienced many things in my life that I have enjoyed immensely whereas someone else was left with a poor taste in their mouth during the same opportunity. So the bottom line to me is, arm yourself with enough credible knowledge and good connections to create that one exclusive experience that makes the entire thing worth while.

How do you do this? Spend some time online, reach out to your personal networks, participate in an organization that offers you extended knowledge specifically around your interests OR find someone who makes it their mission to be able to do this for you. That is the power of a true Professional Travel and Lifestyle Advisor. Do you have to reach out to someone each time you are ready to try something new, take a trip, or go out to dinner and a show? Imagine a perfect world where your advisor knows you so well that they are anticipating your next great experience and challenging you personally to enhance your life.

This is the future of Lifestyle Experiences and its not far off. A good advisor can make all the difference in the world and is worth every penny. I heard a great advertisement recently which said "Two incredible travel deals out there today to the Caribbean, one is the deal of a lifetime and one is nightmare waiting to happen, do you know which is which?" Contact A Travel Advisor Today.