Friday, December 12, 2008

The Power Of The Right Advisor

Travel has become an experience driven product line. Luxury hotels and destinations are no longer marketing based on amenities and features, but more around experiences and tours. Travellers are making selections based on which location will offer them opportunities to explore that lifestyle passion which they dream about everyday.

As a result Travel Agents are evolving and remaining an essential part of the travel process. Only a real person can offer you a knowledge based custom travel solution for your next global outing. One thing I notice is all the online research and opinions are great, but there is no one out there that has all the same interests and needs as I do. I have experienced many things in my life that I have enjoyed immensely whereas someone else was left with a poor taste in their mouth during the same opportunity. So the bottom line to me is, arm yourself with enough credible knowledge and good connections to create that one exclusive experience that makes the entire thing worth while.

How do you do this? Spend some time online, reach out to your personal networks, participate in an organization that offers you extended knowledge specifically around your interests OR find someone who makes it their mission to be able to do this for you. That is the power of a true Professional Travel and Lifestyle Advisor. Do you have to reach out to someone each time you are ready to try something new, take a trip, or go out to dinner and a show? Imagine a perfect world where your advisor knows you so well that they are anticipating your next great experience and challenging you personally to enhance your life.

This is the future of Lifestyle Experiences and its not far off. A good advisor can make all the difference in the world and is worth every penny. I heard a great advertisement recently which said "Two incredible travel deals out there today to the Caribbean, one is the deal of a lifetime and one is nightmare waiting to happen, do you know which is which?" Contact A Travel Advisor Today.

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