Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Peru - Machu Picchu The Right Way

South America has become the hot spot for US travelers looking for their next exotic adventure experience. There are so many incredible places and landscapes, all surrounded with some of the most unique cultures in the world. As local tour operators scramble to compete over destinations such as the Atacama Desert, Lake Titicaca, The Amazon River and rainforest, and Machu Picchu, the market becomes flooded with many options. As an adventure enthusiast it's so hard to recognize the quality options from the nightmares in disguise.

One Red Carpet Experience that I would recommend hands down over the competition is the Lodge to Lodge Machu Picchu Experience offered by Mountain Lodges of Peru. Our team at Dream Outdoors has worked closely with MLP and I feel very strongly about the lodges, the guides, and most of all the unmatched experience of the trek itself.

This moderate to strenuous 7 day 6 night trek takes you through multiple eco-systems and landscapes offering an extraordinary view of untouched Peruvian Backcountry. The guides are wonderful as they know everything about your surroundings and the people who inhabit this area. It's all inclusive so you don't have to worry about anything. The trekking pays off as you have earned your right to set foot on Machu Picchu, one of the most fascinating places on Earth.

Along the way your accommodations include 4 of the most spectacular backcountry lodges to be found anywhere. They are small, luxuriously simple, and offer the most breathtaking views and surroundings imaginable.

I am not hesitating when I tell you that the experience, if done correctly, matches any adventure experience found in any destination. This is the way to view Southern Peru and the ruins at Machu Picchu.

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